Monday, May 12, 2008

Thoughts on Happiness

Yesterday, I asked a friend if he was happy. Without hesitation, he replied no. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure why. It made me think about whether or not I was truly happy. I've realized that I'm not. But I am something else. I'm joyful. There's a difference. Happiness is a moderate emotion-it has it's limits. Happiness can be attained, and lost. Happiness borders contentment, and I am not content.

But I am joyful. I have been joyful for a long time. I feel joy in life-in beauty, in family, in friendship-because life supplies this. I am not yet content, but I doubt I will be until I reach Heaven. Though a welcoming thought, I don't want to go just yet. There are still things in my life with which I am not satisfied. But would it really be life if I was content? I doubt it.

Why am I joyful? I'm not entirely sure, but I wouldn't trade it for happiness-ever!

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