Thursday, July 17, 2008


I want to be a writer. This is somewhat problematic, since I have very few experiences to write upon. Emotions are well and good, but beyond the realm of my little world, I've experienced nothing. What do I do? Contemporary is beyond me due to my lack of worldliness, and anything classic or gothic requires something of romance, which I have no experience with either. It's a predicament, because I'm afraid to gain the experience in the first place. Books are the only way I learn. So I guess I'll have to keep reading. Urgh, this is frustrating!


Anonymous said...

I want to be a writer too, Amber, and I feel that way a lot sometimes. But it is true that they way we learn is by reading. We learn different ways of writing, learn different plots, learn different settings, facts, etc. But I also think you would find a few books of mine particularly helpful, mostly because it's actually about writing books, lol. I have one on plot, and another one called the writer's boot camp. I'll have to let you see them sometime.

Also, you can talk to me about this kind of thing any time you like :] I'd totally be excited to hear your thoughts on my own plots and stuff.

Anonymous said...

If you want things to write about the obvious answer (to me at least) is to go live! I know that we all can live more 'on the edge' than we do already. My opinion? Try and do that. Experience more, take chances, and don't look back. Its a good way to live life and the way I try to live every day.