Tuesday, September 16, 2008

That's Depressing. But not really.

I was reading through Elizabethan World-Primary Sources for an English project, and I stumbled across a description of romance that I couldn't help but laugh at:

"romance: A literary work about improbable events involving characters that are quite different from ordinary people." (Shostak, xxii)

My reaction was, "Is she serious?", and I believe that she (Elizabeth Shostak) did in fact mean precisely what she wrote. Upon concluding this, I laughed. A lot. But it really is sad, isn't it, because a large part of it is true. If anyone could experience life the way it's experienced in books, biographies would become best-sellers. Or, perhaps no one would bother reading anything at all, seeing as they would already be living their wonderful romance.

There is no real purpose to me writing this, but there's never been solid purpose in the first place, and I thought it might be funny for someone to "stumble" over. It makes me smile.