Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oz: Read This!

I am writing this because I care about you and I want you to be happy. I know right now you are hurting and you want to forget about the feelings you had. But you can't shut yourself up in a hole. You are an extremely interesting and deep person.

You must understand that Rachel didn't mean to hurt you. That doesn't stop it from hurting. I know that I have little understanding of your situation, and for that I am sorry. If I am behaving ignorantly, I apologize. But I don't want you hurting.

I am sorry, but you are too good of a person to do something you regret. You say that you have lost everything, but it is still your choice. You can decide how you are going to emotionally handle this. I hope you will choose to forgive Rachel. I know it would take a long time, and a lot of strength on your part (and truthfully, some whiskey-filled evenings), but I think you could do it. I care about you and I don't want you hurting.

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