Monday, March 31, 2008

My Top 15 Favorite Things


I'm going to make a list of my favorite things, however superficial they may be.

1) hair straighteners- what would girls like me do without them?

2) DVD's- no rewinding involved, and you can skip to your favorite parts!

3) Xbox- come on, you know it's better than game cube.

4) wireless internet- if I need to explain, then you're a fool.

5) DDR- burning so many calories without really feeling it! (Although it does get you really sweaty)

6) dogs- I'm not going to say something cliche about man's best friend...I'm just putting it out there.

7) musicals- it brings acting, singing and dancing together, and gives you an excuse to join in.

8) actors- they're so much nicer than most people.

9) friends- their so much meaner than most people. But you can be mean too, and never have to say you're sorry.

10) Jane Austen novels- chick novels at their most eloquent, so you read for a few hours, feel sophisticated and satisfied!

11) Disney movies- other than giving us false ideals for hair, skin and body, they let you catch all the things that went over your head when you were seven.

12) coffee- it keeps me functioning

13) my mom- she's the one that I relate to. I love her and I tell her everything. Cliche, isn't it?

14) Church- in all seriousness, I'm myself there.

15) God- I want Him to be the most important thing in my life, but I'm still working on it. Being human sucks.

1 comment:

Deano the Great said...

"Being human sucks."

Much better than being a dog...

Ps. Wavy hair is MUCH nicer than straight hair...