Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Theatre in Society

Upon request, I am pondering the role of the theatre in society, and I am sorry to say that theatre has been overlooked since television took over. People don't realize how many theatre guilds are near them, and how hours of entertainment awaits, and REAL acting takes place. There are no re-takes in the theatre, and this is what makes it so much more difficult. I have seen many a talented actor struggle through months of memorization, choreography and staging, only to have a dozen in the audience. The greatest reward for a stage actor is a full house and a standing ovation.

The problem is Hollywood. There are so many stars, people forget that you don't have to be famous to be a good actor. There are so many people who are waiting to be discovered, with no one to discover them. So I challenge you to find a local theatre guild and watch a performance worth seeing.

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